Field Research in Tropical Ecology

Winter 2011

Since 1977, students of the Biology Foreign Study Program (Bio FSP) have spent their winter term conducting original ecological research at field stations in Costa Rica and the Caribbean.


Dartmouth Studies in Tropical Ecology 

(2011, vol. 21)

  • Acacia ant attack response to herbivore salivary cues (9)

  • Aggression differences between sexes in Northern Jacanas (Jacana spinosa) (23)

  • Aggregation behavior in Costa Rican dragonflies with proximity to water (30)

  • Energy optimization and foraging preference in hummingbirds (trochilidae) (49)

  • Water quality and artificial selection in a tropical high elevation trout aquaculture system (76)

  • Navigation strategies in foraging P. clavata ants (80)

  • Diel behavior and impact of the invasiveRed Lionfish (Pterois volitans) on native coral reef fish in the Caribbean (112)

  • Lionfish (Pterois volitans) habitat use and effects on fish species composition in the Caribbean (122)


Energy Optimization and Foraging Preference in Hummingbirds published in the Spring 2011 Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science (DUJS).

Other science writing includes:
